Wednesday, 30 October 2013


On 23 March 2013, I was told by a member of staff at Southborough Library that I was searching for Internet Porn on a library PC, despite their being a) no evidence; b) the fact that Library staff are not psychic; &, c) are not known to me personally. Thus, they could not know my intentions.

On 3 April 2013, I received a letter from yourselves claiming I had accessed Websites (at Southborough Library) that were blocked - with no explanation as to how I could access such Sites (A bit like claiming I had passed through a locked door without a key.)

On 4 June 2013, I received another letter from yourselves claiming I had - as above - somehow violated your Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). (I was told I could print a copy of this document from the pre-screen that appears before every customer Internet session at any library.)

On 6 June 2013, I was told at Tunbridge Wells Library that I had been blocked from using the Library PCs as a result of the content of the letter referred to in the previous paragraph - even though this letter does not make any such statement. (This staff member had not actually read the letter and/or did not understand its content.)

On 8 June 2013, I could not make a booking on a Tunbridge Wells Library PC, despite receiving no written notification that I could not do so. A member of staff had to make the booking for me; after conferring with their manager.

On 2 July 2013, I was told at Tonbridge Library that I was no longer allowed to use their PCs. I was again shown your letter of 4 June 2013, as if this was proof, which it was not. This staff member had not actually read the letter and/or did not understand its content. (I was allowed to use their PCs after they realised their mistake.)

All of the above shows Library Staff all-too-eager to make negative assumptions about Black people - without evidence - and to believe that bullying, ridicule and bringing their personal problems into work represents good Customer Service.

This also allows me to do the same with about White people - but with evidence. The Library Service:

  1. Is Institutional Racist - as defined in the UK government Report into the Murder of Stephen Lawrence (The definition given by William Macpherson within the report looking into the death of Stephen Lawrence was “the collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin”.);
  2. employs staff with no understanding of civil law or civility;
  3. employs staff who are ignorant, incompetent, unprofessional and illiterate;
  4. seeks to punish customers before obtaining evidence against them putting rumour, belief and prejudice before evidence or proof;
  5. White people believe other Whites before they will believe a Black no matter the evidence merely making a negative claim is enough for it to be believed by them;
  6. staff tacitly accept the management will back them in any dispute with a customer - so are free to discriminate at will;
  7. utilises poor or non-existent internal procedures and poor or non-existent internal communication;
  8. possesses no understanding of the rules of evidence; leading to a desire to believe the worst in others without the need for evidence, lawful excuse or provocation; ie, arrogance;
  9. clearly implies a White belief that public services are only for Whites and that Blacks are only to be granted access by special permission (of Whites);
  10. has a legally-unenforceable AUP, since it does not address the legal issue of Intentionality.

The problem for Whites in all interactions with Blacks is that if they are subjectively-based, Whites can easily be accused of White supremacy while it is correspondingly difficult for Whites to claim Black supremacy.

Whites are not going to protect non-Whites from the predations of their own White supremacy so non-Whites have to.

White supremacy is like paedophilia - incurable. Therefore, I can only repeat my threat contained in my letter of 8 June 2013 that I can see no other alternative than legal action (for Harassment & Discrimination) should the above violation of my Common Law rights occur again.

Copyright © 2013 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.