Sunday, 8 November 2015

Gangway: Comin’ thru!



I was using nearing the end of my session on PC19 at Tunbridge Wells Library this morning at around 11AM, when a White woman interrupted me - for no reason at all - to tell me that she had booked it for 11:00.

Because she was standing over my left shoulder while I was still using the computer, she was obviously expecting me to move out of her way immediately - even though she could clearly see that my session had not yet ended.

She never claimed she was to use the PC after me, so her basic assumption was that I was somehow in her way - right there and then - with no right to be. (Hear relevant 45-second audio.)

I continued working and, even after I requested she stop looking over my shoulder, she persisted in doing so. This - and her needless interruption - made me lose concentration and provoke my anger. She logged-in to PC19 as I left the building.

I never see Whites interrupt other Whites in the library to tell them that they are using any PC after them, because queuing is largely understood as a concept and a practice in the UK and so Whites (rightly) would not tolerate such molesting behaviour. She also forgot the Common Law fact that possession is nine-tenths of the law; while refusing to wait her turn.

Racist Whites believe that Black people must step out of their way - without question - simply because the former assume an automatic right-of-way over non-Whites - in public. They also believe that waiting ones turn in a queue is unnecessary when a Black man is in front of them.

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